Northern Chautauqua Young Professionals
Networking, Advocacy, Entrepreneurship, OpportunitiesCommunity
Working Together for a Stronger Future
Northern Chautauqua Young Professionals
Our Mission
To network and advocate for young professionals promoting awareness of local opportunities and entrepreneurship endeavors. To strategically engage in social and civic practices enhancing the overall quality of life for young professionals and, by extension, our communities.
About Us
Seeking Young Professionals in the Northern Chautauqua to work together as the future community leaders. If you are young at heart and want to invest in the future please join us. Participation is open to any profession: nonprofit, education, industry, parents, and beyond.
Upcoming Events
North Chautauqua Literacy Day
Friday, April 28
Dunkirk, Fredonia, Ripley
Joint (North and South Chautauqua County) Young Professionals Marketing Panel
Wednesday, May 3
Anthanaeum Hotel, Chautauqua Institution
Register and more infromation here!